

Links people look for when they think of me.


"Winter is Coding: On Programming & The Freeze Response." -- from 2019 Psychology of Programming Interest Group.


"Start Your Own Summer Camp" -- on starting Camp Kaleidoscope in Cambridge, MA, 2008.

"The Art of Hands-On Education" -- article about the hands-on constructionist pedagogy of Camp Kaleidoscope, 2008.


"Chromatic Energy Mirror" with Deb Todd-Wheeler, Bec Conrad. Visualizing energy in a building use via colorful electronic sculpture. 2012-13

"Shadow Sight" with Veronica Barron, James Patrick Nelson. Veronica and I got invited to this festival which was a flash mob of U-Hauls / art performance. We had a military grade thermal camera at sprout. We made a whole dance piece. What happens when the audience can see heat, cold, ice water, the residue of touch - normally only visible to the performers? Live you saw the dancers + a projection of the thermal image. 2012


I founded Kaleidoscope Education in 2006. I used it to build Camp Kaleidoscope, a way to try out a constructionist learning approach in a John Holt led relational style of falling children's core interests.

It is no longer running. My friends Will Macfarlane and Katie Gradowski iterate on Camp Kaleidoscope to make Parts and Crafts. They've stepped down from leadership, but a version of the project still runs.

I co-founded sprout in 2008 with Alec Resnick and Shaunalynn Duffy. In the four years we co-led, it primarily existed as a community science studio which was an open workshop to the public with courses focusing on creative scientific inquiry.