

Hi! This is my blog.

I am interested in alternative education, computing and the nervous system, healing and creativity.

I am presently working on a book about COVID, grief, and psychedelics. The temporary project name is "My Love Song is My Battle Song."

I started two educational non-profits in the Boston area in my 20s (Camp Kaleidoscope / Kaleidoscope Education, and sprout.)

I worked a variety of jobs in tech - engineering, researcher at the Communications Group / Y Combinator Research and then led research at Coda.

I put out a series of papers and articles in places like Education Week, Psychology of Programming Interest Group, Technology Review, etc.

And lately I have been spending a lot of time with art making and diffusion models and trying to expand their use from ML enthuiast community to wide spread expression of art and the unconscious.

But really I'm interested in the new paradigm of individual and collective possibility and hopefully I can interest you in that too.